Lawn Fertilization
Get to the “root” of your lawn problem.
Organic based lawn care is the idea that we can have Healthy & Beautiful Lawns without so many chemicals.
Our Belief is if your soil is healthy than your plants & grass will be healthy. Just like a healthy human body is able to fight off sickness and disease, the same is true of your Lawn & Plants.
We identify the needs of your soil/grass at the nutrient level and then provide the right ” Food” for it to flourish.

Our Lawn fertilization is organic based which reduces the amount of synthetic products being applied and allowing us to reduce the amount of nitrogen being applied by at least 50%.

Insect Control
We treat both curatively and preventatively for a whole list of insects including Chinch Bug, Grubs, Sod Webworm and other surface feeding insects. While doing this we provide some control for fleas, ticks, and ants as an added benefit:
Disease Control
Fungus develops during certain times of year when conditions are right. We treat for the most common fungus when they occur throughout the year with Spring and Fall being the most common times, however some fungus are exempt from this because there is no cure. These fungi are soil born and require suppression applications that we do not cover as part of a regular program because they are so rare. If your lawn is suspect of having one, we will send samples to USF for testing and then inform you on the best course of action.

Weed Control
Weeds can be controlled preventatively and curatively and we use both methods. When time is right we apply a pre-emergent weed control to prevent about 50 types of weeds. Throughout all your applications we continually spot treat for weeds. Weeds can only be killed when herbicide has contact with the weed, by spot treating we only treat the problem areas without blanket spraying your home, therefore reducing the amount of chemicals being used at your home.
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